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Text File | 1995-03-06 | 14.7 KB | 402 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- User's Markup Tool - part of the BBEdit HTML Tools package.
- ©1994 Lindsay Davies
- email: Lindsay.Davies@sheffield.ac.uk
- Status: Semi-informal release pending feedback :-)
- Last updated: 22 Aug 1994
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This tool will help those people who regularly have to edit HTML
- documents. It allows you to define up to 10 'styles' that can be applied
- to any part of your text.
- (Background note: This tool started off with a rather more limited
- scope in mind. It seems that in developing it, it has changed from being
- a tool for storing simple markup styles to a simple macro package. So bear
- in mind that macros weren't its original objective, and forgive its
- rather clumsy design!).
- Introduction:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To define your style, bring up the 'User Styles' tool, and you will see a
- number of undefined buttons. To create a label and definition for your
- style, simply click on a button and fill out the 'Label' and 'Definition'
- fields (The definition field isn't yet labelled).
- The best way to introduce the tool is with a worked through example.
- Suppose that we have a style for certain section headings that requires
- marking up like this:
- <H2><I>My Heading</I></H2>
- <HR>
- This would normally involve 4 operations (one for each of the
- tags involved, and one for the return before the <HR> tag).
- To define your own style to do this automatically, Make your definition
- as follows:
- <H2><I>…</I></H2>\r<HR>
- Working through this example we have the opening Heading tag,
- the opening Italic tag, and then we have the important part, the
- ellipsis. You type the ellipsis by using Option-; not by typing 3
- periods. The ellipsis is the character that represents your current
- selection. All text before the ellipsis goes before your selection, and
- of course, everything after the ellipsis follows after the current
- selection.
- So after the ellipsis we have the closing Italic and Heading tags.
- Following on from this is \r which represents a return character.
- Finally we have the horizontal rule tag.
- So if you select your text, eg
- My Heading
- ...and then apply this style to it, it will be marked up exactly as the
- first example was, but in one operation.
- If you have number of headings to mark up, then you won't want to keep
- having the dialog box keep appearing. This is where the checkbox in the
- bottom left of the dialog comes in. Check this if you want the
- currently selected style to be applied when choose the 'User Styles' tool
- from the menu WITHOUT the dialog appearing. To bring the dialog
- back, hold the CONTROL key down while selecting the tool.
- This is useful if you assign a command-key to the tool (using the
- excellent BBXKeys extension (from Sumex), or with the commercial version
- of BBEdit). You can then just use command-<whatever key you want> to
- markup the current selection with your chosen style.
- OK, that's the basics. If you don't want to know any more, then save the
- next bit till later! You may however wish to have a look at the examples
- at the end of this document, which will give you an idea of the sorts of
- things that you can do.
- Intermediate Stuff:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In your style definition, you can put in certain placeholders. You have
- already met the one for a return - \r. There are some others available to
- help you with your creative impluses:
- Placeholder Function
- \r Inserts return character
- \t Inserts tab character
- \c Inserts clipboard (eg whatever has been
- most recently copied or cut.
- \b Inserts the contents of the buffer
- \… Inserts an ellipsis
- \\ Inserts a slash
- \! Inserts an exclamation mark
- \" Inserts a quote
- \s Inserts the current selection
- \d Inserts the current date (short format)
- \D Inserts the current date (long format)
- So far so simple (?). Now for some more stuff...
- Slightly More Difficult Stuff:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I guess I'm lazy, but I thought I'd add a few extra things to help me
- when I am marking up. So the next thing to learn about are the 'commands'
- that you can insert into your style definition.
- The commands simply allow you to manipulate and edit the current
- selection. Stringing a series of commands together can allow you to
- perform quite complex tasks.
- Again, we'll work through an example. The previous example relied
- upon you selecting the text to be marked up. Much easier would be to
- simply click in the text, and have your definition automatically select
- the text for you.
- So, referring back to the previous example, if we clicked in the middle
- of the word 'heading', we might want to select the whole line before
- applying the markup to it.
- This is done using the command "!SL" (without the quotes). This reads as
- ! <-- The next 2 characters represent a command and parameter
- S <-- 'Select' command
- L <-- This parameter means select the current line.
- So the new definition would be:
- !SL<H2><I>...</I></H2>\r<HR>
- Which reads as 'select the line, insert the '<H2><I>' bits before
- the current selection, and insert '</I></H2>' and a return character and
- '<HR>' after the selection. (Hopefully you are still with me - there's more!).
- List of Commands:
- Command Function
- ======= ========
- Selecting
- !SW select the word that the insertion point is in
- !SL select the line that the insertion point is in
- !SP select the paragraph that the insertion point is in
- !SD select the whole document.
- !SC select all text and tags of a Container.
- !ST select all Text within a container.
- Copying
- !CC copy the current selection to the clipboard
- !CB copy the current selection to the Buffer.
- !CA append the current selection to the clipboard
- !CT"xyz" append the text 'xyz' to the clipboard (all the placeholders
- mentioned above can be used in this string).
- !CZ clear the clipboard
- Extending
- !EF"xyz" extends the selection forwards to start of string "xyz"
- !E^ extend to start of line
- !E$ extend to end of line
- Inserting
- !IS"xyz" insert text "xyz" at start of selection
- !IE"xyz" insert text "xyz" at end of selection
- !IR"xyz" insert "xyz" Replacing the selection
- Finding
- !FN"abc" find next occurrence of "abc" where "abc" can include the
- simple grep patterns...
- '.' matches any character
- '#' matches any numeric character
- '.*' matches zero or more characters (Note that although standard
- Grep is limited to a single line, in this case the pattern can
- span the entire document.
- '#*' match zero or more numeric characters
- '#+' match one or more numeric characters
- !FA"abc" same as above, but will find all matches of "abc" in the
- document.
- Place Insertion Point
- !@E insertion point at end of selection
- !@S insertion point at start of selection
- !@T insertion point at top of document
- !@B insertion point at bottom of document
- !@L insertion point at next line
- !@P insertion point at next paragraph
- !@^ insertion point at start of line
- !@$ insertion point at end of line
- Case
- !KR raise the case of the selection
- !KL lower the case of the selection
- !KT make all HTML tags upper case
- Deleting
- !DS delete the current selection
- !DX delete current selection + surrounding space
- !DC delete the clipboard
- Misc
- !Nx set the next default definition to the number x (0 - 9)
- specified.
- !|x Run macro x after the current one has completed.
- !BP Beep - useful in some cases when you are debugging a macro.
- !§k Switch searching case sensitivity ON
- !§K Switch searching case sensitivity OFF (Default)
- Note that you can use Command-. to exit from any series of commands
- you may be using.
- * Commands may have a single space between them to aid legibility.
- * The sequence of commands is limited to 255 characters in length.
- A good example is having a list of delegate names for a conference. I
- want to have a main document with all the names, but have links from the
- names to vanity pages for each of them. In addition, I would like the
- names to be anchors. The names of the vanity pages are all in the format
- surname.html in a directory called 'vanity', and using the surname for
- the anchor name. eg:
- Before: After:
- Joe Bloggs <A NAME="Bloggs" HREF="/vanity/Bloggs.html">Joe Bloggs</A>
- University of X University of X
- email: user@host email: user@host
- This would normally require a fair bit of mouse and keyboard work to do,
- especially for a ist of 30 or so delegates. Better still would be to
- create a style definition that would do it all for me. eg:
- !SW!CC!SL!IS"<A NAME=\"\c\" HREF=\"/vanity/\c.html\">"!IE"</A>"
- Assuming that I have clicked anywhere in the surname (ie 'Bloggs'),
- this definition reads as:
- !SW Select the Word (ie 'Bloggs')
- !CC Copy the selection
- !SL Select the Line.
- !IS"<A NAME=\" insert this text before the selection (note '\"' is
- required to enter a quote.)
- \c insert the clipboard (ie 'Bloggs)
- \" HREF=\"/vanity/ insert this text
- \c again, insert the clipbaord
- .html\">" insert this text
- !IE"</A>" and insert this text after the selection to finish off.
- So, it doesn't look pretty, but it can be quite useful. If you want
- anything more powerful, then you really need to get stuck into GREP or
- To recognise that you sometimes want to follow one style with
- another, you can tell your definition which definition to use next.
- Using the above example, I could have the definition just described to
- mark up the name. I might then wish to have another definition to mark up
- the email address. By adding !N2 in front of the first definition, the
- next time the tool is used, definition 2 will be the default. (and if
- _that_ definition includes a !N1, then repeated use of the tool will
- cycle through these definitions 1 and 2.)
- Obfuscation time...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There will be occasions when you want to perform a series of tasks. You
- could allocate them all to different macros, but if they are all meant to
- work together, this would be a waste of space.
- You can therefore string together seqences of commands into segments
- within a definition. To delineate a segment, type a bullet. You will see
- that the next segment will start on a new line, and be prefixed by a bullet.
- A simple example of this in use would be the situation where you wanted
- to compile a list of all anchors in your document. The list will be
- compiled on the clipboard, so the first thing you would need to do is to
- clear it of any current text.
- You will then want to find all anchors, so search for all text starting
- with "<A " and ending with "</A>". If it is found, it will be selected,
- and we want to append the selection and a return (so that all anchors
- start on a new line) to the clipboard. You then need to move the
- insertion point to the end of the selection so that the next iteration
- won't simply select the same part again. Just to illustrate the point
- further, when this second sequence has finished, we want to beep to
- signify that we have come to the end.
- The macro itself...
- !DC
- •!FA"<A .*</A>" !CT"\s\r"!@E
- •!BP
- Note that there are three segments here - the first one that deletes the
- clipboard only wants to be performed once. The newline and bullet
- delineate the second segment, which iterates through the document
- finding and appending the data to the clipboard. Only when this has
- complete will the third segment be invoked, and the machine will beep.
- Examples
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, that's probably clear as mud, so here are some examples:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To embolden a word (just click anywhere in the word you want to
- embolden)
- !SW !IS"<B>" !IE"</B>" Select the word, insert <B> at the start of the
- selection, insert </B> at the end of the selection.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To embolden a line:
- !SL !IS"<B>" !IE"</B>" Exactly the same, but we use !SL instead of !SW.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To add paragraph tags to a paragraph:
- !SP !IS"<P>" !IE"</P>" Select paragraph, insert <P> at the end of the selection.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To make a word into a named anchor:
- !SW !CC !IS"<A NAME="\c">" !IE"</A>"
- Select the word, copy it, insert the tag, inserting the clipboard between the quotes,
- and inserting the closing tag at the end of the selection.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To remove the current tags from around some text:
- !ST !CC !SC !IR"\c" Select text up to tags, copy it, select containing tags
- as well, insert replacing the selection with what was
- just copied.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To mark up glossary items (which are on consecutive lines):
- !SL !IS"<DT>" !FN"\r" !@E !IS"<DD>"
- Select line, Insert "<DT>" at the start of the selection, Find the next
- return character, move the insertion point after it, insert "<DD>" at
- the insertion point.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Copy all lines containing "BBEdit" to the clipboard
- !CZ Clear the clipboard
- •!FA"BBEdit" !SL !CT"\s\r" Find all occurrences of "BBEdit",
- Select the line, Copy-append Text containing
- the current selection and a carriage return.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Copy all lines containing "BBEdit", regarding case, to the
- clipboard
- !CZ!§k Clear the clipboard, set case switch ON
- •!FA"BBEdit" !SL !CT"\s\r" Find all occurrences of "BBEdit",
- Select the line, Copy-append Text containing
- the current selection and a carriage return.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Compile and Insert a list of all the headings in a document
- !CZ!@T
- •!FN"<MENU>"!@S!FS"/MENU>"!FS"\r"!DS
- •!FA"<H#>"!@E!ST!CB!CT"<LI>\t<A HREF=\"#\b\">\b</A>\r"
- •!@T!FN"</H1>"!@E!IS"\r<MENU>\r\c</MENU>"!B3
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • To change the title of your document to word capitalization
- !@T !FN"<TITLE>" !FS"</TITLE>" !KW Move insertion point to the top of the doc.
- Find next occurrence of <TITLE>. Extend
- selection to "</TITLE>", change case of
- selection to Word Capitalization.
- (Last updated: Monday, March 6, 1995)
- Lindsay Davies,
- email: Lindsay.Davies@sheffield.ac.uk